Все публикации

[Netizen Corner] T1 defeats TES to win the first ever EWC | T1 News | T1 Cute Moments

Ambition seeing Faker 'Hide on bush' in the opposite team 🤣 | LCK Stream

Faker, Chovy, Keria, Kanavi playing ARAM | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Chovy's cute reaction to Faker's mistake | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi: We are not done yet! - He saves the game | LCK Summer 2023 | T1 moments

T1 Server is not responding | LCK Summer 2023 | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi happily took Faker's center position | LCK Spring 2023 | T1 cute moments

Faker checks if Varus is scripting | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

It's time for Keria's Kalista support | LCK Spring 2023 | T1 vs KDF | T1 cute moments

Baby Zeus gets lost & takes Faker's place | LCK Spring 2023 | T1 vs KDF | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi & Keria doing high five & cute poses | LCK Spring 2023 | T1 vs KDF | T1 cute moments

Keria sacrifices himself to protect Guma | LCK Spring 2023 | T1 vs KDF | T1 cute moments

Willer shares his impressions of Faker | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi's Death Note: 1st victim is GenG | LCK Stream Moments

Faker is so happy to see Viper win | LCK Season 2023 Kickoff Event

Faker Azir's Ult brings you nightmare | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Oner singing Jung Joon Il 'Hug Me' | T1 Livestream | T1 cute moments

[Compilation] Zeus, Oner & Keria's message to fan | LCK Awards 2022 | T1 cute moments

Faker's reaction when Zeka won Mid Of The Year | LCK 2022 Awards

Faker & Deft picking their team members | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

[Season 2023 Kick Off] Faker & Deft 1 vs 1 | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Faker unexpectedly quits the game 😂 'What bug is this?' | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi' funny reaction when he almost died 😂 | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments

Gumayusi stealing the drake (vs HLE Clid) 🔥 Best Jungler | T1 Stream Moments | T1 cute moments