Все публикации

One sided limits in calculus: a nice example

How to learn calculus

Bradley Calculus I welcome video 2024

Calculus: product rule for derivatives: intuition and proof

Proof of the 'power rule': d/dx(x^r) =rx^(r-1) (r not zero)

limit of the products is the product of the limits

Increasing annuities

Easy proof that the square root of 2 is irrational

10 minutes of the NASA eclipse feed

2^k is greater than k^2 for k greater than or equal to 5 (induction)

When mixed partial derivatives are unequal

A discontinuous function which has partial derivatives

MTH 120 class welcome video

class welcome video MTH 223

Directional derivative: derivation of the 'gradient dot unit vector' formula

Partial Derivatives and non-continuous functions

Standard Deviation of number of survivors (select and non-select)

dot product and angles

Easy proof of the Cauchy Schwarz inequality

MTH 223 Calculus III introduction

Every Vector Space has a basis and an example of an uncountable basis

Conditional expectation and variance

Integrating factor for linear first order differential equations: why it works

annoying calculations in statistics: mean and variance of the hypergeometric distribution