Все публикации

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Why Simon's Cat is up 🤩 Simons Cat Crypto Token Analysis

⚠ Surprising Bitcoin Data...

The Solana Death ☠️ SOL Crypto Token Analysis

☢ Getting Fk'ed??

☢ Are We Expecting Too Much??

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Watch And Learn...

Is This Smart?

⚠ How About...

☢ Data Analysis: Bitcoin Is A Rich-People's Game

...But Fk'n Works 💀

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This Is Ugly... 😔 Bitcoin Data Inside

Winning With Sun Pump (& Pump Fun) 🥳 Crypto Meme Trading

...But Fk'n Works 💀

Why The Bitcoin 4-Year Cycle Is 💀

Bitcoin ETF 😮 What's Going On?

Buy the BitTorrent Crash? 🤩 BTT Crypto Token Analysis

⚠ Don't miss this...

Why Beam is up again 🤩 Crypto Token Analysis

Why Polygon Matic is up 🤩 POL Crypto Token Analysis

☢ This Cannot Be True... Can It??

Why Is SuperRare Up? 🤩 Rare Crypto Token Analysis