Все публикации

The Series of Gilgamesh I A Philosophical Introduction

The Mythology of Inana I Huluppu-Tree, God of Wisdom, Sacred Marriage, and Descent

Four Myths of Inana (Read by Moonshine Isodi) I Huluppu-Tree, Enki, Sacred Marriage, Descent

The Post-Axial Age and Mayan Mythology I Myths of the Popul Vuh and Prechtel on Rematriation

The Axial Age and the Feminine I Myths of Genesis, Lilith, Eve, Mary, Thunder

Amazonian and Andean Mythology | From Ayahuasca Mythologies to the Andean Cosmovision

Wixárika Mythology: Huichol Cosmovision and the Híkuri Pilgrimage

Shakespeare's The Tempest I Mystery Play, Colonial Drama, Philosophy

Africana Aesthetics I Cornel West, Hip Hop Wars, Afrofuturism

The Early Milesians I Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes

Transcendental Poiesis vs The Poets in Republic X

The Later Milesians I Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Pythagoras

Aristotle's Logic, Physics, and Metaphysics

The Pluralists I Empedocles of Acragas & Anaxagoras of Clazomenae

The Atomists I Leucippus and Democritus

Introduction to Neoplatonism I From Plotinus to Theurgy

Plato's Republic Explained I Books VII-X

Introduction to Stoicism and Epicureanism

The Eleatics I Parmenides, Zeno, Melissus

Aristotle's On the Soul, Ethics, and Politics

Introduction to Cynicism, Skepticism, and Hellenistic Philosophy of Religion

Middle to Later Nietzsche on Art & Aesthetics 2 I Art in the Optics of Life

Schlegel's Dialogue on Poetry & Jena Romanticism I The End of Art vs Life as Art 3

Censorship of Mousike in Plato's Republic Books II-III