Все публикации

goodbye to summer... CAPE COD VLOG ✨🌊⛵️ The Perfect Couple house & intro dance (one of my fav vlogs)

The Perfect Couple intro dance : my family edition @Netflix

COLLEGE TIPS | study methods, note strategies, registration mistakes, helpful apps, iPad or Macbook?

top 3 things in my kitchen apartment #REVOLVEPartner @revolve

iPad Air and Apple Pencil Pro unboxing!

throwback to a junior year day in my life🥹 #utAustin

i can't believe the eras tour is ending soon

the perfect eras tour accessory

trader joe's flower hack

GRWM friday night in nyc #REVOLVEPartner @revolve

#sponsored My Tips for Starting a YouTube Channel

#sponsored MY YOUTUBE JOURNEY | how I make money, tips for starting a channel, what equipment i use

everything i ate at the museum of ice cream

the tiktok i referenced in my europe vlog haha! 2 years ago and now we're living in nyc together🤭

because so many of my comments say i look like her

always top on my college packing list

post grad saturday day in my life🥹🫶🏼 #minivlog #nyc

#REVOLVEPartner iced shaken espresso #ad @revolve

first nyc street ootd! #REVOLVEPartner #ad @revolve

i bought the big white one and i love it!!! #nordstromsale

something that didn’t make it in the move out vlog… #movingout #packing

NYC APARTMENT HUNTING (everything you need to know) + 12 apartment tours with prices!

the best part of YNTCD live at the eras tour (lisbon, portugal) #erastour

WHAT TO PACK FOR COLLEGE 2024 : ultimate college packing list for freshman (dorm living)