Все публикации

Git: continuous integration with examples in Python

Supervised machine learning in Python

Reproducible Science in RStudio - Feb 6, 2020

Statistics in R

Data Visualization in R with ggplot2

Intro to Statistics in Python

Python Unit Tests

Intro to Python

Machine learning: introduction to concepts

Intro to Git

Intro to Bash and shell scripting

Object-oriented programming in Python

Designing data analysis workflows in Python

Intro to Python

Statistics in R

Data Visualization in R with ggplot2

Intro to R - May 23, 2019

Intro to PyTorch

R: ggplot2 and Data Visualization

Information on the Air: Software-Defined Radio

SQLite Full Text Search in Python

R: Interactive Plotting with Shinny Apps

Image Processing in Python

R: TidyR and Reshape2