Все публикации

Lego Coffee FAIL (Short) #lego #michaelhickoxfilms #stopmotion #coffee #fail

Lego Loose Tooth (Short) #timandralph #lego #michaelhickox #stopmotion #animation

Lego Elf on a Shelf - CHRISTMAS 2024

LEGO Snowball Fight! (Short) #lego #michaelhickoxfilms #animation #stopmotion

Lego Dinner Party (Thanksgiving 2024)

Turkey Trouble - LEGO Thanksgiving (Short) #lego #stopmotion #michaelhickoxfilms

Lego Street Crossing (Short) #lego #michaelhickoxfilms #animation #stopmotion

Lego Scarecrow - (LEGO stop motion)

Happy Birthday - (Lego Stop Motion)

The Lego Spider (Short) #lego #stopmotion #michaelhickox

Lego Laundromat (Short) #lego #legoanimation #legostopmotion #legofail

Too Many Cookies (Fat Santa) - Lego Christmas 2023

Lego Fist Fight (Short) #lego #animation #stopmotion #legostopmotion #michaelhickox

Late For Work - (Lego Stop Motion)

Lego Lemonade Stand (Short)

Tim and Ralph: Ants (Short)

Tim and Ralph: Motor Madness (Episode 40)

Tim and Ralph: Candy Sale (Episode 39)

Tim and Ralph: Prank War (Episode 38) - April Fools'

Tim and Ralph: The Storm (Episode 37)

Best of MICHAELHICKOXFilms - Volume 4

Tim and Ralph: Lego Arcade (Episode 36)

Best of MICHAELHICKOXFilms - Volume 3

Best of MICHAELHICKOXFilms - Volume 2