Все публикации

Andrew Putman - The Steinberg representations

Jacques Darné - Profinite Rigidity and Colorings by Finite Quandles

Louis Funar - Mapping class groups and 4-manifolds

R. Detcherry - On the properties of quantum representations of mapping class groups of surfaces 4

Andrew Putman - The topology of the mapping class group and its Torelli subgroup 4

Christine Vespa - Homological stability and stable homology 3

Mai Katada - Stable homology of the IA-automorphism group

Andrew Putman - The topology of the mapping class group and its Torelli subgroup 3

Christine Vespa - Homological stability and stable homology 2

R. Detcherry - On the properties of quantum representations of mapping class groups of surfaces 3

Luis Paris - Automorphism groups of Artin groups of spherical type

Andrew Putman - The topology of the mapping class group and its Torelli subgroup 2

R. Detcherry - On the properties of quantum representations of mapping class groups of surfaces 2

Karen Vogtmann - Finite groups of outer automorphisms of right-angled Artin groups

R. Detcherry - On the properties of quantum representations of mapping class groups of surfaces 1

Christine Vespa - Homological stability and stable homology 1

Andrew Putman - The topology of the mapping class group and its Torelli subgroup 1

Liam Watson - Khovanov invariants via immersed curves 4

Marco Golla - Applications of Heegaard Floer homology 4

Emmanuel Wagner - Foam lectures on link homologies 4

Liam Watson - Khovanov invariants via immersed curves 3

Liam Watson - Khovanov invariants via immersed curves 2

Emmanuel Wagner - Foam lectures on link homologies 3

Marco Golla - Applications of Heegaard Floer homology 3