Все публикации

How Did the Bishop Die in a Pawn's Hands? | Chess Memes

Why Does the Queen Need to Be More Active? | Chess Memes

Why Didn't the Bishop Run? | Chess Memes

The King's 15 Bishops vs. 15 Rooks | Chess Memes

Does the Queen Like the Ladder Checkmate? | Chess Memes

When Did the White Queen Trick the Black King? | Chess Memes

How to Successfully Trap a King | Chess Memes

Why Would He Move His Pawn Like That? | Chess Memes

Have You Ever Seen a Super Terrible Rook Sacrifice? | Chess Memes

Have You Seen a Bigger Pawn Fork? | Chess Memes

Take the Pawn If You Can! | Chess Memes

When the White King Makes a 200 IQ Play | Chess Memes

Did the White King Get Checked by a Pawn? | Chess Memes

Who is the 'Top Boss'? | Chess Memes

When There's a Knight Threat | Chess Memes

How to Fix a Broken Pawn Structure | Chess Memes

Why Won't the Queen Let the Rook Finish? | Chess Memes

Why Would He Sacrifice the Rook? | Chess Memes

Every Action Has Its Consequences! | Chess Memes

Why Would the Horsey Move There? | Chess Memes

Forky forky b**** | Chess Memes

You should've killed me when you had the chance | Chess Memes

Ultimate Bishop Knight Combo | Chess Memes

Want me to take care of it? | Chess Memes