Все публикации

Beyond Propositional Logic

Finding a Closed Formula for the Fibonacci Sequence

A Better Spaning Set for the Solution Set of a System of Equations

Checking for Vector Membership in a Subspace with Given Generators

The Span of the Colums of a Matrix

The Partial Sum of a Geometric Sequence

Partial Sums and Polynomial Fitting

Unraveling the Chain Rule in 16 seconds!

Computing the Inverse of a Matrix with Trigonometric and Exponential Entries

Counting Surjective Functions

Two Variants of a Distribution Problem

Invertibility of A Matrix with an Undeterminate Real Entries

Characterization of the Linear Independence of a Set of Vectors with One Parameter

On the Span of a Set of Vectors

A Computation with Matrix Product and Transpose

Functions with Equal Domain and Codomain: Finite Cases

Inclusion-Exclusion on Sports Watching

An Example of the Image and Inverse Image of Some Sets

Lattice Paths, Binary Strings, and Subsets

Counting Multiples in a Range

Convert a NFA to an Equivalent DFA part 2

Converting a NFA to an Equivalent DFA part 1

Surjectivity: A Numerical Intuition

Injectivity: A Numerical Motivation