Все публикации

Comparing TreeMaps and HashMaps Performance (Running Time Complexity)

Parallel Computing in Python | Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Wildcards and Bounded Type Parameters in Java

Data Structures (B-Trees) Behind Databases and the External Memory

Python Programming - References and Values (Call by Reference and Call by Value)

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with Recursion | Stack Memory Visualization

Dynamic Programming and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Kosaraju's Algorithm - Strongly Connected Components (Graph Algorithms in Java)

Testing for Cointegration for Statistical Arbitrage and Pairs-Trading Strategies (Python)

Momentum (Exponential Regression), SMA and ATR Combined Trading Strategy (Algorithmic Trading)

Algorhyme - Visualizing Algorithms and Data Structures

Splay Tree Data Structure | Theory and Visualization

Subset Sum Problem (Dynamic Programming) Theory, Example and Implementation in Python

Trailer - Meteora Galaxy Invaders (Alien Shooter Game)

Stack Memory & Heap Memory | What is The Difference Between Stacks and Heaps?

Decision Tree Classifier - Information Gain

Cracking Caesar-Cipher With Frequency Analysis

Boyer-Moore Substring Search - Part 1

Computer Vision - Integral Images (Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in Python)

Computer Vision - Haar-Features

Boosting in Machine Learning - Final Formula

Boosting in Machine Learning - Equations

Decision Tree Classifier - Entropy

Black-Scholes Formula - Option Pricing with Monte-Carlo Simulation in Python