Все публикации

EXTREME glow up in KOREA for SUMMER 2024🍒: $1000 skin treatments, kpop nail artist, haul etc

JAPAN VLOG🌧: Pulling an all-nighter in Osaka, food markets, kimono etc.

(Vlog) PINTEREST Room Makeover 2024🥯: Huge Transformation, Spring deep cleaning + Tour

STUDY VLOG🍞: Productive Exam week, late-night grind, balancing school and life etc.

SCHOOL-GIRL Diary🍮: Long study day on campus, What's in my backpack, Friends etc.

UNI VLOG🐄: Realistic studying routine, Pilates, Long day on campus, grwm etc.

PRODUCTIVE Uni Life🍓: First day of winter sem, Busy student life on campus, etc.

STUDY VLOG🥯: Romanticizing studying, desk tour, exam week prep, what I eat etc.

REALISTIC Uni Vlog★: Cramming for midterms, Kpop night, Productive morning etc.

Busy Birthday Weekend🍥: Funny hangouts with friends, haunted house, studying etc.

PRODUCTIVE Uni Vlog🍓: Adjusting to classes, movie night, lab, birthday shopping etc.

PINTEREST SCHOOL GIRL 101📓🖇️: Preparing for back to school (Glowing up in Korea)

WHAT I EAT IN TOKYO🍮: Convenience store, Street food, Asakusa etc.

JAPAN VLOG🍡: First time in Tokyo, Public Bathhouse, DisneyLand, good food etc.

LIFE IN KOREA🚏: Skin treatments+ Laser spa day, hitting 1M, Hongdae nights, what I eat etc.

Productive Vlog🛒: Summer clothing haul, friend hangouts, animethon etc.

DAILY VLOG🐙: Realistic day, travel plans, makeup unboxing, friends, etc.

Trying to GLOW UP for Summer 2023🍓

PRODUCTIVE Summer vlog📓: 7am mornings, updated makeup routine, first Chanel bag, haul, etc.

PINTEREST GIRL☁️: Getting my life together, summer morning routine, what I eat, haul etc.

Productive Vlog🛒: Uni exam week, New iPhone 14, Realities of being a YouTuber and etc.

Productive uni vlog🎧: Starting a cafe? HUGE giveaway, last week of school, pinterest outfits