Все публикации

The Emperor has no clothes.

Why a Community Chorus Matters: Connection, Collective Effervescence, and Contact to Reduce Division

Social Networks, Social Capital, and Social Outcomes

Why Research Methods? An Answer Drawing from Umwelt, Vorhandenheit, and Zuhandenheit

What does Public Higher Education as a Public Investment for the Public Good look like?

Deaths, Counts, and Cultural Significance of Maine's Mass Shooting

Education as a Public Good

Introduction to Sociology Question Show 3

Introduction to Sociology Question Show 2

Research Makes Sociology Distinctive

Introduction To Sociology Question and Answer Show 1

My Course Plan for an Introduction to Sociology

Basic, Elementary, Flexible Social Media Sentiment Analysis In R

Extracting Reddit Data With R and the package RedditExtractoR (2023 Update)

Crafting Cultural Networks From Text with R and igraph

Collecting and Analyzing YouTube Video Data with R and VosonSML

Getting a YouTube API Key: How Easy? This Easy.

Reading Social Media into Data: Manually, through JSON, and through R

Identifying and Structuring Individuals, Attributes, Relations, and Affiliations in a Text

Easy as Pie: Installing R and RStudio from a Windows computer and saying 'Hello' Three Ways

Income Inequality Data for Anytown USA through data.census.gov

Visualizing Gender as a Cultural Structure

Walkthrough: Finding the Racial Composition of an American town

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