Все публикации

Medii App - a digital diary for health and wellbeing

Webinar 36: Sex Workers; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

Protect Your Lungs main film

Webinar 34: Migrant Health; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

The role of Health Visitor in the South East

Webinar 33: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

School Nurse recruitment short clip 1

Health Visitor recruitment short clip 1

0-19 Workforce combined Health Visitor and School Nurse recruitment film

Health visitor recruitment film for South East cinemas

The importance of collecting protected characteristics data

School nurse recruitment in the South East

Health visitor recruitment in the South East

Common Mental Health Problems trailer

Protected Characteristics and Health Inequalities webinar March 2023

Webinar 41: PNMH services 29 March 2023 'That's a wrap!'

Webinar 32: Children and Young People scoping event; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

Webinar 40: PNMH services; Health Inequalities 22 February 2023

Workshop 4 - Contracting, Procurement and Provider Selection Regime – Selection Process, VCSE series

CoP Launch meeting 24 January 2023

Living with hypertension - Ian short clip 1

Hypertension Heroes: Ian and Susan

Living with hypertension - Ian short clip 2

Tackling hypertension in the community: Hypertension Heroes