Все публикации

#RingTheory (Lec-4) |#3.4 Ideals and Quotient Rings | I.N. #Herstein

#UG |#AbstractAlgebra| #QUESTIONBank2024 | Sections 2.1 - 2.3 lTopics in Algebra| #I.N.Herstein

Good Evening

#RingTheory (Lec-7) |#3.4 Solved Problems Part 2 | I.N. #Herstein

#RingTheory (Lec-6) |#3.4 Solved Problems Part 1 | I.N. #Herstein

#RingTheory (Lec-5) |#3.4 I and II #isomorphism theorems on Ring | I.N. #Herstein

Sarvam Srikrishnarpanam

Happy Srikrishna Jayanthi

#RingTheory (Lec-3) |#3.3Homomorphisms | I.N. #Herstein

#RingTheory (Lec-2) |#3.2 Some special classes of rings | I.N. #Herstein

#RingTheory (Lec-1) |3.1Definitions and Examples of Rings | I.N. #Herstein



#UG| #questionbank|Sections 2.8 - 2.10 |#topics in algebra|#i.n. Hersteinladybug lectures

#UG| #questionbank|Sections 2.6|#topics in algebra|#i.n. Herstein

#UG| #questionbank|Sections 2.4 & 2.5|#topics in algebra|#i.n. Herstein

#Projecttopics in Mathematics @UG & PG level

#2.7(vi) Homomorphism(Lec 16) | #Solved Problems |

2.10 Permutation Groups (Lec-20)|#Herstein|orbit of s under θ|permutation is a product cycles

#2.9Cayley's theorem (Lec-19) |Generalised Cayley’s theorem | Index theorem for non simplicity

#2.8Automorphisms (Lec -17) |The set of automorphisms of a group G is a group|Aut(cyclic group)

2.7 (v) Homomorphisms (Lec-15)I #Herstein | I and III isomorphism theorems

Lec-14 |1-1 map from the set of all subgroups of G' onto the set of all subgroups of G containing K.