Все публикации

ODISHA GEOGRAPHY 🌏. For all competitive exam.

PEO last 30 days strategy #best #osssc #peo

Most important shortcut key. MS WORD. For osssc and ossc. PEO & JA.

RI,ARI,AMIN Details syllabus #shorts

Ramsar Sites in INDIA #ja #peo #shortsvideo

Ramsar sites in INDIA #peo #ja #shortsvideo

MS Windows Introduced #peo #ja #shorts

Number system most important formula #peo #ja #ri #ari #amin #shorts

Odisha GK. Awards and honours. Helpful for peo,ja,ri,amin,jt and other odisha govt exam..

Dam and rivers in ODISHA #peo #ja #shorts

MS word shortcut key #peo #ja #ossc #osssc #shorts

Commonly used computer full form PART 2 #peo #ja #osssc #shorts

Computer shortcut key. MS word. part 1. For osssc PEO and JA 2023. It is helpful for all GOVT exam.

OTET paper 1 (2023). EVS Unit 4 GOVERNANCE. Most selected mcq. PART 1.

Commonly used computer full form. PART 1. For all govt exam #shorts #peo #ja

Commonly used computer full form. PART 1. For all govt exam #shorts #peo #ja

JT SYLLABUS for class VI to VIII #jt #syllabus

JT SYLLABUS 2023 for class I to V #jt #shorts

ARMY GD SYLLABUS 2023 #shorts

PEO & JA syllabus 2023 #shorts #peo #ja

Best Book list for PEO &JA #peo #ja #osssc

JA & PEO details syllabus #shorts