Все публикации

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Pedro Costa (University of Iceland)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: István Reguly (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Zhihua Xie (Cardiff University)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Panagiotis Tsoutsanis (Cranfield University)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Mario Di Renzo (CERFACS)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Ralf Deiterding (University of Southampton)

UK Turbulence Consortium online talks - Friday 4th June 2021 -

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Oriol Lehmkuhl (BSC-CNS, Spain)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Sergio Pirozzoli (Sapienza University of Rome)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Jesse Capecelatro (University of Michigan, US)

UK Turbulence Consortium online talks - Friday 7th May 2021 -

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Krzysztof Fidkowski (University of Michigan, US)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Marta Garcia Gasulla (BSC-CNS, Spain)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Gary Coleman (NASA, US)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Wim Munters (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Ben Rogers (University of Manchester)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Esteban Ferrer (School of Aeronautics, Madrid)

Turbulence at the exascale podcast: Christopher Maynard (Met Office)

A continuous-adjoint solver for variable-density flows in XCompact3d

Sandbox flow configuration: A rapid prototyping tool inside Xcompact3d

Simulations of vortex breakdown in swirling flows using Incompact3d

Theoretical framework for energy flux analysis of channels under drag control

Implications of ambient shear and thermal stratification on wind turbine near-wake dynamics