Все публикации

A short golden integral

There's more than one solution to this equation

A hyperbolic approach to evaluate our sum

Can you solve this log base floor equation?

Its u-sub is diabolical 😱

Natural log and sine function in one integral (and x²)

How can an infinite product be this monstrous?

U-substitution is all you need

From the 2023 Tokyo Institute of Technology

Integrate this square of trig functions

Feynman can help you integrate this...

An integral hybrid of cubic polynomials and a natural log

The integral is a 'natural log' frenzy

Another great floor equation

Have you ever seen an integral this awesome?

Your knowledge of the Gaussian integral is needed here

Find the value of this Riemann-Zeta infinite sum

A neat golden floor integral

A hard hyperbolic function integral?

Can you solve for the value based on this trigonometric sum?

Which of these functions is bigger?

For this integral, lets get creative

Find this integral's closed form

This integral seems pretty easy... right?