Все публикации

Claudia Goldin, prix Nobel d'économie 2023

Changement des clivages politiques dans 21 démocraties occidentales par Amory Gethin

Chaire Mondialisation - CMA CGM, Tangram et Paris School of Economics

L’impact de la désinformation sur le vote des électeurs par Laurence Vardaxoglou

Élections et modes de scrutin par Antonin Macé

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Policy conversation with Iffath Sharif & Abhijit Banerjee

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Keynote Lecture 'Global Poverty' by Abhijit Banerjee

Ceremony Award Winner of the Daniel Cohen Prize: Nina Buchmann

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Policy conversation with Shameran Abed & Esther Duflo

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Keynote Lecture 'Climate Change Compensation' by Esther Duflo

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Policy conversation with María José Garde & Gabriel Zucman

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024: Keynote Lecture 'International Taxation' by Gabriel Zucman

PSE Summer School 2024

'Sustainable Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Fantasy or Reality?' Conference

La situation des femmes sur le marché du travail par Dominique Meurs

Discover Partner companies of the MSc Sustainable Impact Analysis

Jean-Philippe Platteau: 'Democratic liberalization in LDC and Elections capture'

David Michaels: 'Science for Sale: Triumph of Doubt'

Terry Hataway: 'Neoliberalism and corporate power'

Daniel Nyberg: 'The social and political influence of the Fossil fuel industry'

Thierry Philiponnat: 'Financial deregulation'

Jennifer Clapp: 'Concentration and Crisis: the vulnerability of the food industry'

David Demortain: 'Lobbying through science'

Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky: 'Justice for Sale: Pro-business arbitration with ISDS'