Все публикации

How colors can be used to create balance or contrast.

Batman 2008 VS 2022 color comparison

Color schemes serve two main purposes: achieving harmony and creating discordance.

Same Color - Different Meaning

How Nolan uses color at 3 budget levels (answer in comments)

How a color look is created in 3 steps

Why do Sequels look so different now?

Average color of every frame from Marvel movies (before post-production)

Smile to evil smirk

Why so many films have precisely 2 dominant colors in most scenes? (answer in comments)

Realism VS Heightened Realism in movies

Damien Chazelle explains why Whiplash is so yellow

Scary but colorful movies

How movies/shows use the 60:30:10 color rule. @AmazonMGMStudios #amazonmgmstudios #amazonpartner

When movies use color as a storytelling tool

High Key vs Low Key lighting

What makes a movie colorful - explained by Damien Chazelle

How movies use the 60:30:10 color rule #AmazonMGMStudios #AmazonPartner @AmazonMGMStudios

If these movies were directed by Wes Anderson

If movies/shows switched colors

Second color makes all the difference

If movies swapped colors

Happy anniversary!

How movies use the 60:30:10 color rule. (Part 4) @AmazonMGMStudios