Все публикации

Defense Mechanism

K TET - Things you need to know

LGBTQIA+ Spectrum/ Gender Spectrum / Pride month special video

Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development / Personality Theory

Psycho Analytical Theory - Part 2 / Psychosexual stages of development / Sigmund Freud

Psycho Analytical Theory - Part 1/Personality Theory/Sigmund Freud

Introduction to Isomerism in Malayalam/ class 10

Principles of Assessment Practices / Ensuring Fairness in Assessment

Major Philosophical Divisions / Epistemology/ Axiology / Metaphysics /Perspectives on Education

Vygotsky's learning theory/sociocultural theory/Social constructivism / zone of proximal development

Learning Theory of Ausubel / Meaningful verbal learning / Reception learning / Subsumption theory

Learning Theory of Bruner / Discovery learning /Spiral curriculum

Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development

Gagne's Hierarchy of Learning

Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation

Operant Conditioning by Skinner

Trial and error theory of learning in Malayalam

Classical Conditioning Theory by Pavlov, in Malayalam