Все публикации

What is the Measurement Problem and What Would Solve It- Tim Maudlin

A Selective History of Non-Relativistic QM - M. Kiessling

General Covariance with Stacks - Filip Dul

One-dimensional hydrogenic ions with screened nuclear Coulomb field - S.T-Zadeh

Homological Approach to Path Integration - F. Dul

Bell's inequalities and non-locality - I. Jauslin

Analogue of the Schwarzschild solution in asymptotically cosmological spacetimes - E. Ling

A Geometrical Introduction to General Relativity - E. Ling

Time-Varying Cosmological Constant from Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity - T. Daniel

Relativistic electron wave packets for spin-dependent arrival-time distributions - S. Das

Relativistic Radiation Reaction in Higher-Order Electrodynamics - V. Hoang

Canonical Quantization of Gravity and the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation - T. Daniel

Spacetime dynamics in General Relativity: old and new - M. Van De Moortal

ODEs in the Service of PDEs in Mathematical Physics - S.Tahvildar-Zadeh

General-relativistic viscous fluids - M.Disconzi

Joint Evolution of Charged Particles in 1 Space Dimension - L.Frolov

Joint evolution of a scalar point charge and its field in 1 space dimension - L.Frolov