Все публикации

Dependent Drop-Downs, Dynamic Array Formula Edition

Using Power Query to turn tabular data into an unstructured report!

MAXIFS(...) in PowerQuery

Power Query - Transform certain rows into columns

Match an id to a name based on most frequent occurrence

Power Query - Determining grade based on points and a rules table

Power Query - Combining multiple sheets from multiple workbooks

Power Query makes yet another awful report usable

Lousy extract format? Never fear, Power Query is here!

Power Query - Multi-header unpivot

Power Query - Expanding a range of seat locations

Power Query - Cleaning up and extracting parts of a list of addresses

Power Query - number of different customers who've ordered a specific part

Power Query - Extract text between space and semicolon

Power Query - extracting parts of a string to separate columns

Power Query fill down and pivot

Power Query - finding overlaps between time intervals

Power Query - splitting one row of data into two

Power Query - generate a table with one column per month

Power Query - parsing JSON data

Power Query: Load and Transform Text File

Power Query: split to rows

Power Query: combine tables

Power Query: sorting and reorganizing list of grades