Все публикации

Modern Warfare 3, 3rd Person Team Deathmatch #3 (bots) Torque 35 bow massacre😄

Beat the Entity, the Final Boss 👾 #mwz #mwiii 😃

The Death of the Entity 😎 Final Boss #mwz 💀

Cool animation for a useless weapon kit 😡 JAK Devastators MWIII 😃

MWZ, Vaincre l'entité, Acte IV Mission Ascension 😮

MWZ, Faille d'Ether Noir Saison 5 (pure action/no comment)

Modern Warfare 2, multiplayer 3rd person #7, never give up without a fight 😉

I'm so nostalgic for this kind of moment in AC Brotherhood 😍

When you have the rage to win! | MW3

When luck is on your side | MW3

Infected Hiding Trolling MW3/PS3

Modern Warfare 2, multiplayer 3rd person #1, a victory in defeat😉

Snowrunner, le vrai défi du Michigan 😎👍

Snowrunner, Pêcheur poissard, ça ne s'est pas passé comme prévu 😁

Snowrunner, Bricoler c'est gagné, récupérer facilement le White Western Star 4964

Epic kills Valkyrie rocket 😉 COD : Black Ops

2 in 1👌 Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)

Care Package surprise... 🤣 COD : Black Ops

ADSL vs fibre optique, le débit internet pour les nuls 😉

FSR2 vs FSR3 vs FG - GTX 1080 Ti | Starfield

GTX 1080 Ti | Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer - 1080p, 1440p - Ultra, Extreme settings - NIS

GTX 1080 Ti | Starfield - 1080p, 1440p - Medium, High, Ultra, Custom settings - FSR3/FG

GTX 1080 Ti | Halo Infinite multiplayer - 1080p, 1440p - Medium, High, Ultra, Custom settings

Le kill de la chance 😅 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multijoueur