Все публикации

Дудник Софія 12 років 1 клас ДМШ№1 Полтава Cover Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk

Носенко Назар 7 років ДМШ№1 Полтава Cover Arctic Monkeys Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High

Live Drums Show 2025!!!

Wiite jazz party production cover by Every Breath You Take Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Message In A Bottle Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Shape Of My Heart Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by September Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Fragile Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Desert rose Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by It's Probably Me Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Little Something Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by La belle dame sans regrets Sting

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Sting Mad About You

Wiite jazz party production Cover by Fields of gold Sting

'Sting & Jazz' Промо 7 11 2924 Полтава філармонія

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting Every Breath you Take

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting Shape of My Heart

Wiite jazz party production cover by StingFragile

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting Desert rose

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting La Belle Dame Sans Regrets

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting Fields of gold

Wiite jazz party production cover by Sting Englishman In New York

Wiite jazz party production cover by It's Probably Me Sting

Mortal Kombat Live Drums Show 2024