Все публикации

Transactional analysis

Peace of mind

Erikson's Eight Stages of Growth and Development

The Ego's Self-Defense Mechanism of Projection

Gaslighting, You Are Not Losing Your Mind. Recognize What The Emotional Abuser Is Perpetrating.

Repression, Freud's Ego Defense Mechanism. What Are We Hiding From Ourselves

The Loss of Individuality in Society

The Loss Of Free Will

Merit Vs. Equity: What is fair, what is just?

Logical Fallacies

William Herschel

Charles Messier

Isaak Newton

Johannes Kepler

Tycho Brahe Unparalleled Life

The Life of Galileo Galilei

Life of Copernicus

Timeline 1 Telescope

Building and Purpose of Stonehenge. Stonehenge Examined

Produce More Oil And Decrease CO2 Emissions

Making and Fishing the Izaak Walton Popper