Все публикации

1.1 Discovery of the Human Genome

1.6 Compiling the Code Transcription and Translation

1.3 Architecture Components of Cells

1.5 Lifecycle Management Replication

1.4 Data Storage Components of DNA and RNA

1.2 Real world Use Case Oncology

2.3 Identifying Changes Variant Calling

2.5 Reproducible Research Graphical Pipeline Modeling

2.1 Digital Transformation From DNA and RNA to Data

2.2 Reconstruct the Genome Alignment

2.4 Genetic Annotations

1.7 Bugs Genetic Changes

3.1 Genome Browser and Medical Knowledge Cockpit

2.7 Solve the Puzzle

2.8 Additional Information on the Final Exam

2.6 Reproducible Research Pipeline Execution

3.5 How to Store RDFS Data Triple Stores

3.1 How to Query RDFS SPARQL

4.1 Ontology as Central Concept in Philosophy

4.4 Ontology Types

5.1 Description Logics ALC

5.5 Web Ontology Language OWL 2

5.6 Web Ontology Language OWL 3

5.7 Web Ontology Language OWL 4