Все публикации

Tech management: the difference between strategy and tactics

How I Got Started in Tech Management (and Should You?)

Happy Holidays!

Incident management for managers in technology

Manager on Manager 1:1's part 2 : Four ways to drive change + a little bit of evil?

Managing Managers : How the one on one is different

How good managers make decisions fast

Managing Managers Pt 2 - Having high expectations and elevating your team

Managing Managers - What's the big change from managing individual contributors?

Waste less time in meetings and create better outcomes with this one move

Skip level 1:1’s makes you a better leader

Leaning on your peers to grow your skillset

Five common delegation mistakes

The key management skill you need to master: Delegating well

What's opportunity cost? Show this to someone in your team who's about to waste a lot of time

Better one on ones with your boss!

Are you a manager? Here’s how you get better at one on ones

How do you get better at nailing leadership interviews?

Who is the audience for a decision?

Being the grumpy engineer is harmful to your career

Improving decision-making through a principled process