Все публикации

Create a chart of means for multiple groups on one graph with error bars

Format a series on a scatterplot in Excel

Regression in Excel using the Data Analysis Toolpak add-in

Scatterplot with 2 x-axis variables in Excel

Scatterplot with two y-axis in Excel

T-test and F-test in Excel using the Data Analysis Toolpak add-in

Excel: Sort data, compute average, stdev, SE and create a bar/line chart of means with error bars

Chi-squared test and interpretation using SPSS (assumptions violated)

Change the coding of a variable using 'Recode into same variable' in SPSS

Recode a scale variable into categories in SPSS

Reverse the coding of an ordinal variable in SPSS

Compute a total score from several variables in SPSS

Reduce the number of groups of a categorical variable in SPSS

Create dummy variables from an existing categorical variable in SPSS

Compute a mean score from several variables in SPSS

Questionnaire data in SPSS - Single response question

Enter data and define variables in SPSS

Import data from Excel into SPSS

Questionnaire data in SPSS - Open response question

SPSS: Understand Ordinal, Nominal & Scale (aka Level of measurment)

Code and define missing values in SPSS

Questionnaire data in SPSS - Likert scale question

Questionnaire data in SPSS - Multi-response question

Questionnaire data in SPSS - Ranked response question