Все публикации

Sandwich Secondary Dodgeball Tournament 2019

InkScape Lesson 8.0 The Poker Hand

Rudderless Vlog Film Review

The Gr.10 Button Project

Shots Assignment Filming Project

Gr9 Button Project Overview

InkScape Lesson 8.1: Drawing with Nodes, Lines, Layers and Groups

InkScape Lesson 0.2: Saving and Submitting Assignments for Marking

InkScape Lesson 0.1: Troubleshooting Objects that can't be seen.

InkScape Lesson 7: Working with Text

InkScape Lesson: 6 Working with Layers

InkScape Lesson 5: Smoothing Nodes and Curves

InkScape Lesson 4: Zooming and Moving around the Screen

InkScape Lesson 3: Drawing Objects with the Bezier Tool and Anchor Nodes

InkScape Lesson 2: Manipulating Images with Precision

InkScape Lesson 1: Building Basic Primitives

Getting Online with BrightSpace and Edsby 2020

InkScape Download Tutorial 2020

InkScape Lesson 0 Intro: Vector vs Pixel Based Drawing

Gr12 Animation Trailer Project Example

Gr11 Silent Movie Example - The USB

Scripts and Screenplays Day 4

Scripts and Screenplays Day 3

Scripts, Screenplays, and writing your movie.