Все публикации

Pushing Back Against Science of Reading Mandates: The California Story

Pedagogical Strategy - Replay Analysis for Fluency and Word Recognition

Rachael Gabriel: Science-Policy Gap: Impacts and Possibilities of Speculative Policy-Making

Webinar: Using Research and Research Standards to Dispute a Common Science of Reading Claim

Reading Research: Context Matters

The Science of Reading and the Illusion of Crisis

“Science of Reading” and the Educational Reform Movement: Actors, Networks, and Agendas

Just & Equitable Literacy Learning: Developing Children's Social, Emotional, & Intellectual Lives

Maslow and Rogers

Webinar: “Science of” Movements as Trojan Horse Education Reform by Dr. Paul Thomas

Dr. Paul Thomas presents, “Science of” Movements as Trojan Horse Education Reform

Context Matters: LETRS and SoR Research Standards

Minnesota Department of Education - What Were You Thinking?

LETRS: Weasels or Energy Efficient Light Bulbs?

Mouse World, Teachers Unions, and Reading Instruction

Emily Hanford is the Alexa App of Reading Instruction

The Truth About Reading: The Eyes and Brain at Work

Whole Language

12 Interacting Elements: Comprehensive Reading Instruction

Webinar: Neurocognitive Approach to Reading Instruction

Interview with Paul Gardner: A Scary Picture of Christmas Yet-to-Be

The Five Pillars of Reading Instruction are 7 Pillars Short of a Full Load

Reading Fluency: Everything you Need to Know

Reading Fluency Strategies