Все публикации


Deep-dive tour of RepriceIt repricer (screen-by-screen)

Bqool repricer: deep-dive tour (screen-by-screen)

Deep-dive tour of Informed repricer (screen-by-screen)

Deep-dive tour of Aura repricer (screen-by-screen)

Deep-dive tour of ChannleMax repricer (screen-by-screen)

Deep-dive tour of Repricer.com (screen-by-screen)

Deep-dive tour of SellerSnap repricer (screen-by-screen)

Kind of stalker-ish: 'I'm obsessed!' (?!)

Profit Protector Pro & the repricer blindspot coverup (with screenshots)

Why did Repricer.com send me this email? (busted)

My sting operation on Informed repricer (busted)

I busted Bqool (with one email)

Did Alpha Repricer tell the truth? (screenshots)

ChannelMax repricer busted (screenshots)

Did I just bust Aura repricer? (yes)

'Sales' are for losers (annoying: book 'sales' don't matter)

Ebay bookseller on quitting his job to sell weird books on eBay (interview)

true Amazon underdog story ('not a scam' he says)

How to spot profitable books (to sell on Amazon)

Simple tweak raises profits 11%

Can you automate everything? (tonight)

Outsourcing Amazon: webinar FAQ

how to outsource everything (live event)