Все публикации

Fluttershy - He was singing really off-key

Princess Celestia - You have alot to think about

Spike - (plays with dolls) 1

Twilight Sparkle - Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Who in the hoof is that?

Twilight Sparkle - He's my BBBFF

Pinkie Pie - You are a pony with a problem

Spike - You're more than friends. You're my family

Garble - I hereby dub you 'rookie dragon'

Pinkie Pie - Now all we have to do is get it... in?

Pinkie Pie - Huh, guess that isn't a totally silly question

Pinkie Pie - Hello, what's your name?

Pinkie Pie - A nice protective spell as extra insurance, better safe than sorry

Twilight Sparkle - 'Pinkie Pie is an out-of-control party animal'

Rarity - Gum on their bum, too rich

Diamond Tiara - Nopony at this school takes it seriously

Diamond Tiara - I want juicy stories, the juicier the better! Now get out there and report!

Diamond Tiara - Get something else on my desk by the end of the day, and it better be juicy

Diamond Tiara - I don't know what you call this, but it sure isn't news

Cheerilee - Good question Sweetie Belle. I like those reporters instincts

Rainbow Dash - This is crazy awesome! We're gonna smash that record!

Fluttershy - (is a tree)

Fluttershy + Rainbow Dash 3

Fluttershy + Rainbow Dash

Spike - What am I? Where am I from? Who am I supposed to be?