Все публикации

Mental Health and Natural Farming Lecture given at the Growcast Community Cup in 2022.

Jadam Gardening Free Zoom Classes

How to make Bokashi

Gathering bark and beaver chips for IMO3.

How I winterize my garden.

Gathering IMO3 Material in the woods

Refilling my JLF buckets with dumpster score.

Zombie cicada (or Locust if you’re from the South).

Using pears from a 2 week old Liquid Fertilizer to make Fermented Fruit Juice.

Making IMO3 from material I collected in the Ozark mountains.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae eating an apple. My environment’s best shredder during Summer and Fall.

Getting my pots ready for indoor growing! As always, I’m growing straight outta my compost.

Pro Tip: Adding extra nutrients to your JLF.

Mixing Jadam Liquid Fertilizer to use as a general fertilizer.

Using Jadam Microbial Solution (JMS) that no longer has a high microbial population.

How to make Jadam Microbial Solution (JMS).

How to make tomato specific Jadam liquid fertilizer (JLF).

A Simple instructional Video Showing The Process of Making JLF

Spore print two minutes after water drop on the cap.

How to make a spore print.

Collecting mushrooms to add to Jadam Liquid Fertilizer (JLF).