Все публикации

Shallow vs Deep Copy

What is Priority Inversion?

Arrays are not Pointers

Need for extern 'C'

DJI Mini 4 Unboxing Video

Zephyr RTOS

How to build your own Linux Kernel.

Linux Kernel Preemption Models

A gentle intro to Posix Threads

Linked List Manipulation for Non Manipulative People

Find Parity: Google Interview Question for embedded Systems.

Add two strings in C++. Given two numbers as strings, add them.

C++ based solution to popular string compression algorithm.

Hashed Ports: C Implementation

Hashed Ports: A popular interview problem

Reverse vowels of a string in C++. A popular interview problem.

Rust: What are Lifetimes?

Leetcode 459: Repeated Substring Pattern

Arjuna gets a glimpse of Assembly language.

Rust: Ownership and Borrowing,

Rust Object Oriented Concepts related keywords: Structs, Impl and Traits

Cargo: Rust Package Manager

Rust Discussion 2