Все публикации

My Biggest Project in LOST ISLES...

I Built TILTED TOWERS in LEGO Fortnite! (ft. Caylus)

The BEST RUNES in Lost Isles.. (SO OP)

I Finally Found It...

The BEST INVENTIONS in Lost Isles (Fortnite Update)

I Built PEELY Village in Lost Isles! (Fully Upgraded)

I Busted EVERY Myth in Lost Isles.. (LEGO Fortnite)

LOST ISLES Biggest SECRETS... (LEGO Fortnite Update)

LOST ISLES Update is HERE in LEGO Fortnite! (Full Playthrough)


Lost Isles Update HERE! (Everything You NEED to Know Tomorrow's Update)

Our FIRST LOOK at LOST ISLES in LEGO Fortnite! (New Teasers)

How to PREPARE for LOST ISLES in LEGO (Fortnite Update)

RARE Skins in LEGO Fortnite..?

My LEGO Fortnite LOCKER TOUR! (OG Skins)

Everything WE KNOW about NEW Lost Isles Update! (LEGO Fortnite)

LEGO Fortnite Sent Me a SECRET Package... (UPDATE REVEAL)

LEGO Fortnite Messed Up..

Every HIDDEN SECRET in the NEW LEGO Update! (Fortnite)

I Survived 100 Days Of Hardcore LEGO Fortnite (Part 1)

3 Building TIPS you NEED in LEGO Fortnite!

LEGO Just Dropped a SECRET Update! (Challenge)

The BEST WORLD I've Visited in LEGO! (Fortnite)

So EXCITED to participate in Build It Week on LEGO Fortnite! Join in on the fun! @LEGOFortnite #ad