Все публикации

The Mind-Bending Secrets of DNA: The Ultimate Code

Surviving the Daily DNA Apocalypse: The Hidden Drama Inside Your Cells

The Information Dilemma: How knock-knock jokes are a problem for evolution and the origin of life.

Debunking popular science videos on the origin of life & RNA world. Stated Clearly & Be Smart.

Debunking RNA world: Replication & Chemical Evolution

Awkward truths about the origin of life: Energy & Metabolism.

Chemical Evolution didn't happen. Here's why: Cell membranes.

The Scientific Problems with Chemical Evolution | Polymerization

Chemical Evolution: Your science textbook is wrong on the origin of life: Miller-Urey Experiments

Debunking Antibiotic Resistance & Bacterial Evolution

Whale Evolution: Answering Critics 2

Whale Evolution: Responding to Critics

Debunking Whale Evolution: good evidence for Darwin or not?

More bad arguments for homology as evidence for evolution

Answering bad arguments for evolution: homology.

Evidence for Evolution: Homology? | Long Story Short

Darwin’s Biggest Problem | Long Story Short: Evolution