Все публикации

Aatrox Aram Penta (Easiest Pentakill of my life)

Kai'sa 1v3 Outplay ( ARAM Hybrid Build)

4 Mediocre Ezreal clips for you to say 'eh that's not too bad'

Teemo Mission Impossible xPeke ending (ARAM)

ADC Ghost Technology (Xayah vs Riven, ARAM)

Infinite Sustain Talon Vs Gigatank Rammus Aram Teamfight

Ezreal Rakan Fast Burst Combo

Emergency Life Support Kai'sa (ULTIMATE SPELLBOOK)

Lee Sin + Yone R synergy in Ultimate spellbook

Master Yi rides the Thresh Express (or how to make your jungler like you)

I guess this is that auto-spacing thingy? (Ashe v Kayle Lethal Tempo range abuse)

Kindred 1v2 in ARURF with NO Q COOLDOWN

Warwick's healing is Fine... COPIUM

Miss Fortune Zhonya's Outplay VS PYKE ( R Denial)

Saving Private Veigar...

Is that Caitlyn from Arcane?!? (Random Aram moments, League of Legends)

I right click (vayne penta)

Aatrox sustain is fine...

Voli goes OMNOMNOMNOM 1v2 (kinda)

Camilleon Ranked Highlights #2 (Jhin, Ezreal, Caitlyn and more) | League Of Legends

Is THIS the longest Camille hookshot (E) in the WORLD?!? | League Of Legends

Thresh takes the Dragon Express | League Of Legends

ADC MONTAGE 2022 Camilleon (Journey to Master Begins) | League Of Legends

Late Game Voli in Aram is kinda Unkillable | League Of Legends