Все публикации

The Miraculous Medal Novena led by Daniel DeClue

SFA Midnight Mass Promo Video 2017

Ubi Caritas - Jeremy and Cassie Boyer

Final Rehearsal with Brass for Midnight Mass at St. Francis of Assisi, 2016

Lux Aurumque (Whitacre) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy A. Boyer

The Angel Gabriel (Carney) - Shrine Choir, Conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Christ the King C, 2016

Jeremy playing When the Blues Go Marchin In & Kashmir

Jeremy's interview on Show Me St. Louis (KSDK)

Proclamation of the Exsultet

God Bless America - Phi Mu Alpha Men's Octet at Old Busch Stadium, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Come Ye Sons of Art (H Purcell) - SEMO University Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

For Thy Sweet Love (R Young) - SEMO University Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Behold a Mystical Rose (Latona) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (Wilberg) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

I Believe in God (Ray) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Jesus, the Son of Mary (Owens) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

A Maiden Most Gentle (Carter) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Hodie (RVW), X & XI - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Mary Speaks (Gawthrope) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Mary's Lullaby (Rutter) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Christmas Eve Mass - 2015

There is a Flower (Rutter) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer

Ave Maria (Biebl) - Shrine Choir, conducted by Jeremy Boyer