Все публикации

Do you know Him? Are you saved? Watch ye therefore. Mark 13:33-37 #endTimes #KJV

And Jesus, moved with compassion…Mark 1:40-41 | KJV #repent #endtimes #Jesus

Jeremiah 6:19 | Do not reject the truth #endtimes #repent #kjv #salvation

Isaiah 45:4-5 | Holy Bible | KJV | #oneGod #risingSun #petCat #PersianMinuet 

Isaiah 25:4 | KJV | 📖 #truegospel #endtimes #KJV

Galatians 1:1-9 | True or False Gospel?

Sow to the Spirit | Galatians 6:7-8 #bibleverseoftheday #KJV #scriptureoftheday #dailyscripture

Psalm 119:30 #bibleverseoftheday #scriptureoftheday #dailyscripture #truth

Do you need God’s grace? #bibleverseoftheday #scripturetruth #dailyscripture #endtimes

God is ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to ALL them that call upon Him. Psalm 86:5

John 5:24 | KJV #endtimes #religion #bibleverseoftheday #dailyscripture #truth #scripturepicture

1 Peter 5:6-11 | KJV | Holy Bible #endtimes #bibleverseoftheday

2 Peter 1:10-11 | Holy Bible | KJV #endtimes #bibleverseoftheday #dailyscripture

1 Corinthians 15:33-34 | Holy Bible #endtimes #scripture

Isaiah 60:1-3 | KJV | End of All Things is Coming. #endtimes

Are you delivered from the power of darkness? Colossians 1:13-14

1 Peter 4:7 | Watch unto prayer #EndTimes

1 Timothy 1-3 | KJV | Holy Bible

Psalm 148 | King James Holy Bible

Keep Looking to Jesus!

Philippians 3:14-15 | Press On!

Hebrews 12:1 | Run the Race

Proverbs 4:23 | Keep thy Heart with all Diligence…

1 Peter 2:11 | KJV