Все публикации

@TomRocksMaths asks Professor David J. Malan how he'd spend lottery money💰

@TomRocksMaths asks Professor David J. Malan if magic is real 🪄

Path in Life - CS50 #Reels

Headphones - CS50 Reels

CS50 Everywhere - CS50 Reels

Photo Roll - CS50 Reels

Special Phonebook - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Start of the Semester - CS50 Reels #Shorts

CS50P after CS50x and CS50W - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Segmentation Fault - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Understanding Impacts of AI on the Legal Profession - Computer Science for Lawyers at Harvard

Working as a Software Engineer After CS50 - CS50 Reels #Shorts

GPT-4 - How does it work, and how do I build apps with it? - CS50 Tech Talk

Harvard's Intro to CS - CS50 Reels #Shorts

CS50 Fair 2022 / 2012 - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Bugs - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Difference Between CS50 and CS50x - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Invitation to CS50x Puzzle Day 2023

Does CS50 Help Get a Job - CS50 Reels #Shorts

CS50 Fair at Yale - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Finishing Your Pset - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Is CS50P completely different from CS50x? - CS50 Reels #Shorts

Color Quest - CS50 Fair 2022 at Yale

Tick.et - CS50 Fair 2022 at Yale