Все публикации

Digital Health Virtual Symposium

OMD Educates: Peer Leader Workshops - EMR Advantage - How to Create a Prescription Favourite

How can OMD be of value to OHTs? Dr. Paul Cano

QHR Accuro Training Video

What Products and Services Do You Use That Support Your Practice? - Dr. Paul Cano

Halton Healthcare Services and HRM

PS Suite EMR | Telus Health Training Video

What Products and Services Do You Use That Support Your Practice - Dr. Mahesan Srivamadevan

What Would Your Practice be Like Without HRM?

OSCAR EMR Training Video

What Products and Services Do You Use That Support Your Practice - Dr. Keith Thompson

What is eNotifications?

Group Visits

What Products and Services Do You Use That Support Your Practice - Dr. Ilana Halperin

How Does HRM Prevent Hospital Readmissions

How to Get Email and Virtual Consent from Patients

What is The Value of Peer Leaders? - Dr. Leah Feldman

How HRM Helps Physicians Prep for Patient Engagement

OMD Educates: Identifying Patients with Diabetes

How HRM Adds Value to Your Practice and Patients

What is the Value of Peer Leaders? - Dr. Paul Cano

OMD Educates: Remote Patient Monitoring

How HRM Increases Practice Efficiency and Patient Care

OMD Educates: Common Tools for Mental Health