Все публикации

The Only Way to beat your competitors

The Contractor Vicious Cycle

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15 Tips to Estimate Faster

Most contractors are not professional

Why Change Orders happen

The first person you're going to need to hire is going to be a project manager

What is the BEST WAY to get leads?

Solve your problems by using an Estimating Firm

Submit your proposal and negotiate later

Submit a budgetary bid if you're short on time

Get paid up front in commercial construction

You need to bid jobs, and take them through the finish line

The TRUTH about construction entrepreneurship

Small talk wins jobs

Set up your negotiations with consistent follow-up

Why is $10 Million the Benchmark?

The fastest way to sell $10 Million

Scaling your construction systems

Why you need a project manager

What's the quickest way to get into commercial construction?

The Key to Sell Projects FAST!

Change order strategy