Все публикации

Fingerprint Region In IR spectrum

Factors affecting vibrational frequencies in IR spectroscopy

IR Spectroscopy Principle and theory modes of vibration no of vibrations selection rules by PLS.

How to draw Calibration Curve in Microsoft excel in Hindi, set intercept, r2 regression value

Calibration Curve Method in Hindi

Columns in HPLC and Column Packings in HPLC

Pumps used in HPLC and Sample Injector Valve in HPLC

Plate theory, Rate theory, van Deemter equation, HETP, Theories of Chromatography.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) - Introduction and Theory

Detectors used in Gas Chromatography, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of GC.

Columns, Stationary Phases, Oven and Temperature Programming in Gas Chromatography.

Sample Preparation, Derivatization in Gas Chromatography and Sample Injectors in GC.

Gas Chromatography - Introduction theory and carrier gases used

Capillary Electrophoresis - Principle, Practical Aspects and Application

Gel Electrophoresis Principle, Gels used, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications

Paper Electrophoresis - Principle, Practical Aspects, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications.

Electrophoresis– factors affecting electrophoretic mobility

Electrophoresis Introduction Principle Practical Aspects Support Medium and Buffer used

Paper Chromatography - Practical requirements, development techniques, Visualization, Analysis.

Paper chromatography Introduction, methodology, development techniques, advantages, disadvantages an

Thin layer chromatography Methodology, Experimental Part, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Thin layer chromatography Introduction, Principle, Rf value and applications.

Adsorption and partition column chromatography

Introduction to chromatography