Все публикации

Dr. Michael Brown Did a Great Bible Study On The Sabbath, and then Fumbled at the End.

Debunking Myths: Why Immediate Ascension to Heaven Is a Misconception.

'Addressing Common Sabbath Objections: Biblical Response from a SDA.

Is There Any Evidence for the Sabbath in the NT? SDA Responds to Ray Comfort's Claim. #livingwaters

Conference Responds to Controversial Sermon by Conrard Vine - Calling it Divisive. #conrardvine

What Really Happened to Dr. Conrard Vine and Secret Unsealed?

Understanding The Sabbath in Colossian 2.

Viral Video of a Woman Being Arrested for over Free Speech in the USA. #usa #breakingnews

Pastor Calls SDAs Weird for not Going Along with Sunday.

Is Sunday Mark of the Beast? Adventist Answers a Methodist.

Pastor Rebukes Christians for Mixing in Politics. #podcast #adventism #sda

Pastor Gary's Urgent Call for Reform in the SDA Church. #garyblanchard #adventism #sda

Methodist Minister Talking to Adventist About the Sabbath. #adventism #sabbathsda

Why I believe in the Writings of EGW - the Spirit of Prophecy.

Walter Veight Opens Up about his Ban in Germany.

Dr. Conrard Vine Speaks Out: Calling on SDA Leaders To Resign Over Their C19 Statement.

Steve Wohlberg Reveals America's Role in End-Time Prophecy to Jessie Lee Peterson. #whitehorsemedia

Pastor Mirra's Insights on Biblical Sexuality versus the LGBTQ Agenda.

Addressing The LGBTQ issue in ADVENTISM with Pastor Michael Mirra. #sda

John Rich's Warning to Jordan Peterson of The Dangers of Over-Intellectualizing Christianity.

YFI - Update on to the YouTube channel.

A Woman of Faith Stands Up Against Attack on the SDA Church. #womanoffaith #withtheperrys

'Learning about the Sabbath Day from a Non-SDA Methodist Minister'

Sister Pauline Shares Her Journey to Finding the SDA Church