Все публикации

What is spirometry?

What are the side-effects of COPD medications?

Prescribed medical treatments for COPD

How do I know my COPD is worsening?

What symptoms did you experience prior to COPD diagnosis?

What are the complications of COPD?

What is a pulse oximeter?

How has COPD impacted your life?

Long-term impact of COPD acute exacerbations

What is your experience with COPD?

COPD action plan

What is an acute exacerbation?

Patient perspective - Sleep apnea and COPD

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

How often should I do spirometry?

Diagnosis and Evaluation of COPD

What is your experience with spirometry?

Patient perspective - Recognizing when your COPD is worsening

Importance of vaccines for persons living with COPD

What is your experience with oxygen therapy for COPD?

What is oxygen therapy for COPD?

Medications to treat COPD patients with cardiovascular complications

What is pulmonary rehabilitation?

When should antibiotics be used for COPD exacerbations?