Все публикации

Reglerteknik 75 år

Reglerteknik 11 Bo Bernhardsson

Reglerteknik 10 Alf Isaksson

Reglerteknik 6 Torkel Glad

Reglerteknik 5 Torsten Söderström

Reglerteknik 4 Björn Wittenmark

Reglerteknik 3 Anders Lindquist

Reglerteknik 2 Karl Johan Åström

Barbara Giunti - An introduction to Topological Data Analysis via its industrial applications

Reglerteknik 7 BoEgardt

Reglerteknik 1 Intro - Karl H Johansson

Reglerteknik 12 Anders Helmersson

Reglerteknik 9 Charlotta Johnsson

Reglerteknik 8 Thomas Gustavsson

ECC2024 - Designing an Online Learning Framework for Socially Optimal Mixed Transportation

ECC2024 - Decision Making in uncertain Dynamic and Interactive Environments

ECC2024 - Centres in Automatic Control Research Excellence is Only the Beginning

ECC2024 - A Data Centric Viewpoint on Feedback Linearization Claudio De Persis

ECC2024 - Automation and Control in the Electric Power Grid to 2050

ECC2024 - Societal Use of Digital Twins

ECC2024 - Stochastic Control Meets Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics Tryphon T Georgiou

ECC2024 - Uncertainty Assymmerty of Information and Statistical Contract Theory

ECC2024 - Data and Control As Key Eneblers of Sustainable Electric Power Systems

ECC2024 - A Code Driven Tutorial on Encrypted Control