Все публикации

Copyright, New Technology and Open Access: Towards an Inclusive Education in the Digital Age

Καλημέρα_ΣΚΑΙ_16042023_Πασχα 2023_Δρ. Νίκος Κούτρας

Καλημερα_ΣΚΑΙ_25 Δεκεμβρίου 2022_Δρ. Νίκος Κουτρας_Ευχες



Καλημέρα_ΣΚΑΙ_26 Δεκεμβρίου 2021_Δρ. Νίκος Κούτρας (guest speaker)

Early and Mid Career Researcher Network 2021 - Edith Cowan University - Dr. Nikos Koutras

ECR Competition 2021 Dr Nikos Koutras

TheCaller WEBTV_07042021_Interview_Αντιμετώπιση της πανδημίας στην Αυστραλία

FameLab_Dr. Nikos Koutras

Επί του πιεστηρίου_04022021_Δρ. Νίκος Κούτρας_Πανδημία

2020 Professional Legal Education Conference


Video Presentation_Dr. Nikos Koutras_2019

Video Presentation_Dr Nikos Koutras

Dr. Nikos Koutras_ULuxembourg2019_Multilevel Enforcement Conference


EPIP 2018 - Dr. Nikos Koutras - Presentation

Medical Liability and Bioethics 2016

3rd International Conference on Business, Law and Economics_2

3rd International Conference on Business, Law and Economics 2016_1

3rd International Conference on Business, Law and Economics 2016_3

IHRC Beethoven 5th Symphoni

Nikos Koutras' scholarship award