Все публикации

Shimmy dances like Akshat

Avrumi says Mama!

Loh Nazuz - Dedi. At Shimmy's Gan Siyum

Dipping our toes into the Kineret

Bubble Gun War

Meeting Aunti Phyllis

Shir Hamaalot by Shimmy

Baby kisses

Cardboard box bowling

Candle lighting on the last night of Chanukah

Shimmy Spinning the dreidel (and making up songs)

Learning to walk. Fail.

Baby laughter

Shimmy and his new hats

Avrumi playing and grunting in his play may

Shimmy dancing to Mary Poppins

Little Giggles

Avrumi makes cute noises

House Mirpeset

Shimmy making Sarah's sandwich

Mitzpeh Yericho Yom Haatzmaut 65 Girls Performance

Maya and Shimmy dancing to Dora on the Wii

Shimmy can ride his bike!