Все публикации

The sheep on the mountain

Nocturne (Notturno Concertante, 1987)

Jesu, joy's of man desiring

Fallen Angel Notturno Concertante

La grande bellezza

Abendlied di Johann Kaspar Mertz, Lucio Lazzaruolo (chitarra classica)

Giovanna Iorio The great beauty, La grande bellezza

Giovanna Iorio Talking Chairs Gallery n°32

Distant dream, per Domenico.

Ballet di Michael Praetorius played by Lucio Lazzaruolo, guitars

Dialogue Exhibition of Voice Portraits in the Woods by Giovanna Iorio

So far out Notturno Concertante

Isolation 9/Pavane by Gabriel Fauré

Isolation 8/Red waters Notturno Concertante

Notturno Concertante - Let them say

Isolation 7/Music for a while 1 e 2

Notturno Concertante . Lilywhite/Horizons/Cinema show

Music for queen Mary

Isolation 5/Mertz variations

Isolation 4/Skye boat song

Isolation 3/Sarabande di Francis Poluenc

Isolation 2/Whitewall

Isolation 1/The dreaming tree

Get'em out by Friday! Notturno Concertante e Paolo Tenerini